I See You

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I see you in the yellow of wild sunflowers

In the gold of wheat fields

In the dark green of conifers

In the aquamarine of the lake

I see you in the purple of lavender fields

In the violet of 4am skies

In the subtle pink of the sunsets

In the orange of oceanic vistas

I see you in the cool of shady canopies

In the moist of dew kissed grass

In the foam of sea waves

In the light brown of the sand

I see you in the brown eyes of the little girl

In the timidity of a kitten

In the fragility of butterfly wings

In the tinkling laughter of young damsels

I see you in myself

I see you in her eyes

I see you in them

I see you in the beat of my heart and the thud of my veins

I see you wherever I turn to

3 thoughts on “I See You

  1. One reason this poem is so good is that it can be seen as the person who sees the reminders of a loved one gone, or one who is filled with love for someone who infuses him or herself into every detail of this world.

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